Worcester, MA – Whether you are a fan of handbell music or someone who has never seen a handbell concert, there will be an opportunity to experience this musical art form in all its glory, on Sunday, June 25, at Worcester State University.
Handbell musicians, directors and educators from across New England and beyond will gather on the Worcester State University campus, June 23-25, for three days of educational workshops, massed ringing rehearsals, concerts, and the chance to network with others who share a love for handbells. This regional conference, produced bi-annually by Area 1 Handbell Musicians of America, will conclude with an outstanding handbell concert that is free and open to the public.
On Sunday, June 25, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm, a Closing Concert will be held on the Ringing Floor of the Wellness Center Competition Gym at WSU, 486 Chandler Street, Worcester, Massachusetts. This concert will feature a variety of music rung by all 300 of the participating ringers! At the conclusion of this concert, a free-will offering will be gratefully accepted to benefit Handbell Musicians of America Area 1 scholarship funds, which provide financial assistance to handbell ensembles, individual ringers, and directors who wish to attend a regional or national conference or seminar.

A free handbell concert, featuring 300+ handbell musicians, will be held on Sunday, June 25 at 3:00 pm, at the Worcester State University Wellness Center Competition Gym. Depicted in the photo is the 2019 event held at the University of Hartford.