What’s in Boston on May 20, 2014?

The Back Bay Ringers and Old South Church are pleased to announce the eighth annual Boston Handbell Festival, May 20, 2014, 8:00pm, at Old South Church, Boston. The festival features area handbell choirs including Back Bay Ringers, Merrimack Valley Ringers, New...

MVR Handbell Workshop: Southwick, MA on May 10, 2014

Merrimack Valley Ringers presents 3rd Annual Ringing Skills Workshop Saturday, May 10, 2014 Southwick Congregational Church, Southwick, MA Workshop – $10 per person Dinner – $5 per person Concert – Free GET YOUR REGISTRATION HERE Dear Handbell Directors...

Back Bay Ringers holding handbell workshop Jun 7

Saturday, June 7, 2014, 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Salem State University, Salem, MA $55 before May 15th/$65 after May 15th Join BBR this spring for a workshop suitable for all ringing levels featuring Michael Helman. The workshop will include multiple reading...

Area 1 Festival pictures + VIDEO [new]

A Video of Scenes from the Ringing Floor, including a walkabout, giving a ringer’s perspective. If you have some good pictures that should be here, please send them to [email protected] Unloading bells for the classrooms Classroom setups...