This webmaster doesn’t like to brag, so I’ll try to keep things professional, despite the fact that the I’m part of this group. HMA National Seminar 2021 in Phoenix is about to start, and the opening concert will be performed by Area 1’s very...
The Election Results are in. Our new Chair-elect will be Colin Nagle. Our new Treasurer will be Daryl Markey. Our new Secretary will be Harriet Forman. Thank you to our new board members and to everyone who ran, and a big thank you to our nominating...
November 19, 2020 – Lisa Arnold, Chair of the Board of Directors for Area 1 Handbell Musicians of America, has announced the appointment of two individuals to the Area 1 Board. Effective immediately, Charles Arnold will serve as Membership Chair, and Suzanne Neafus...
NOMINATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR THE AREA 1 Margaret H. Shurcliff Leadership Award Is there someone special you know who tirelessly promotes handbells and HMA for Area1? Is there a teacher or director who had the patience and took the extra time to get you and...
Dear Directors and Handbell Musicians, It is with heavy hearts that we have made the decision, based upon the guidelines of the healthcare experts, to cancel this year’s Friends and Family Handbell Camp. We are sure this announcement comes as no surprise to most of...
Check out this new map of known handbell ensembles in Area 1. These groups are not necessarily members of Handbell Musicians of America, but as a service to you, we try to list every ensemble we can.