Handbell Ensembles in Area 1

**Since many groups have ringers from a wide area, locations are based on where the group rehearses.**

Question: Will you list my Area 1 Handbell ensemble here, too? Answer: Absolutely! Email [email protected] with your group name, website, and location.

Jump to Secular/Community Ensembles

Jump to Church/Religious-based Ensembles

Are there Ensembles Near me?  YES!

Check out this new map of all known handbell ensembles in Area 1. WOW, look at all those groups! These groups are not necessarily members of Handbell Musicians of America, but as a service to you, we try to list every ensemble we can. If you have difficulty accessing the map, you can also find links to each of these ensembles in the list below.

Secular/Community Ensembles*

*list in progress, and will probably always be incomplete. Scouring the internet takes time.




New Hampshire

Rhode Island


Church-based Ensembles*

*list is in progress, and will probably always be incomplete. Please help by sending an email to [email protected].




New Hampshire

Rhode Island
