Recent News
Festival Conference 2017: CD Orders
It's not too late to order a CD of the final Concert. You have until JULY 31. Here's the form and instructions.
Spotlight: Special Guests from Area 3: Carol Ringers and Celebration Ringers
Every two years, for as long as I can remember, there has been a fantastic handbell choir from outside of Area 1 attending Festival Conference. They are the Carol Ringers and Celebration Ringers from St. Matthew's UMC in Annandale, VA. They are always a pleasure to...
Area 1 Election Results
Our Area 1 Elections have now concluded and I am happy to announce to you the new officers that will assume their positions this year: Lisa Arnold - Chair-Elect Cheryl Harger - Treasurer Diane Burke - Secretary Krishna Ersson will transition to Past-Chair and Carlene...
Guest Post: How I spent my summer vacation
In the fall of 2016, a group of handbell ringers organized by Steve Mazeau did something that perhaps hadn't been done before--they played a concert at "The Big E." What follows is his account of the experience from start to end. How I Spent My Summer Vacation By...