Recent News
Spotlight on Penobscot Bay Ringers
Penobscot Bay Ringers commissions work in honor of group co-founder, Leigh Smith written by Amy Rollins Penobscot Bay Ringers, a community handbell choir based in Camden, Maine, recently commissioned a new handbell arrangement, entitled Ringing in the Season, in honor...
January Board Meeting Postponed
The January Board meeting scheduled for 1/22/2016 is postponed due to weather. Rescheduled Date is TBD.
Calling All Cape Cod Ringers!
To everyone out there, but especially you Cape Cod ringers: There are TWO special events for you coming up this spring. The Cape Read and Ring will be held on Saturday February 27, 2016 from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at Our Lady of the Cape, 468 Stony Brook Road, Brewster,...
Winter Workshop: not just for directors
For the past Umpteen years, Area 1 has sponsored the Directors Seminar in January. However, given that many of the classes offered can have tremendous value to ringers and directors alike, the Directors Seminar is being rebranded the Winter Workshop. Area 1 wants...