Recent News
International Handbell Symposium in Vancouver, Canada
Please follow the link to the details posted here.
Monthly Spotlight: Leah and Donnie in Essex CT
Leah and Donnie had been friends for years but it took them until second semester of their senior year in high school to discover they both played handbells at their respective churches. Upon this revelation, they decided they wanted to play a duet together and they...
High School Ringout – Nov 14 – REGISTER NOW
Come check out the High School Ringout! Rehearsal Notes are posted on the High School Ringout Page. Follow the headline link!
Get Ready: Two sessions of Handbell Boot Camp!
This workshop (workout?) is designed for ALL ringers and directors -- whether you are new to ringing, have been doing this for 50 years, or are somewhere in between. We all need to look at ourselves, check our techniques, and get in shape. Saturday, October 17 at...