Recent News
Sponsored Event: Holiday Repertoire Reading in Acton, MA
The Bells of St. Matthews and the Lincoln Ringers present the 3rd annual Holiday Rep Reading and Workshops event on October 3rd at St. Matthews in Acton, MA. Price is the same as last year, $10.00 for either morning workshops or afternoon rep reading, or $15.00 for...
August Fundamental Tone is posted
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Director’s Seminar: January 2016
2016 Director's Seminar News! Mark your calendars now and plan to join us a UMASS Amherst on January 29 & 30, 2016 for our Annual Director's Seminar. We're excited to announce our clinician will be Jason Krug! More information will follow, but mark your...
Area 1 takes Pinnacle by Storm!
Well, not precisely by storm, but we did have a crew go to Pinnacle this year. Sue Wilbur Jean Degan Susan Schultz Karen Leonard Chuck & Lisa Arnold Joan Fossum Emlee Kohler Kim Strepka Krishna Ersson Greg Urban ...