Recent News
Save the Date (Family Handbell Camp is Back!)
The AREA 1 Friends and Family Handbell Camp is BACK. June 23 - 26, 2016. It's only 4 blocks from the beach. You can check out the facilities and photos at WWW.OCEANWOOD.ORG Oceanwood Camp and Conference Center 17 Royal St Ocean Park, ME 04063
2015 Area 1 Festival/Conference CD Order Form
Here is the form you can fill out if you want to order a CD of the closing concert. Click here to download the PDF.
Biennial Meeting Reports: 2015 at UMass Amherst
The Biennial Meeting for Area 1 is held at the Festival Conference. The reports from the chairs and committees are posted here. 2013 meeting minutes Biennial_meeting_minutes 06282013 Officer Reports Biennial Treasurer's Report 2015 Committee Reports Chime report...
Monthly Group Spotlight: Wesley Ringers
We are the Wesley Ringers from the Simbury United Methodist Church in Simsbury, CT. We are comprised of 6th – 11th grade students and an adult assistant. Unlike adult groups, children and youth music groups change every year. Children grow into teenagers and...