Welcome to Area 1

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont

Festival Conference 2025!

Worcester State University
June 26-29, 2025

[Area 1’s event was] the best festival I’ve been a part of…it really had a National Seminar feel, but was much more personal and so professionally done! Thanks for making me feel at home and for taking such good care of me while I was there! I’m now an Area 1 fan!!
— Brian Childers, F/C2022 Massed & Tins Clinician

Consider Sponsoring Area 1

Please consider donating to Area 1 to help us continue to provide education, support, and community to handbell musicians throughout Area 1! Your donation in any amount can support scholarships, communication around our events, and helps us to spread information about the history and art of ringing to all.

Recent News

Save the Date (Family Handbell Camp is Back!)

The AREA 1 Friends and Family Handbell Camp is BACK. June 23 - 26, 2016. It's only 4 blocks from the beach.  You can check out the facilities and photos at  WWW.OCEANWOOD.ORG Oceanwood Camp and Conference Center 17 Royal St Ocean Park, ME 04063  

Biennial Meeting Reports: 2015 at UMass Amherst

The Biennial Meeting for Area 1 is held at the Festival Conference.  The reports from the chairs and committees are posted here. 2013 meeting minutes Biennial_meeting_minutes 06282013 Officer Reports Biennial Treasurer's Report 2015 Committee Reports Chime report...

Monthly Group Spotlight: Wesley Ringers

We are the Wesley Ringers from the Simbury United Methodist Church in Simsbury, CT. We are comprised of 6th – 11th grade students and an adult assistant.  Unlike adult groups, children and youth music groups change every year.  Children grow into teenagers and...