Recent News
Monthly Group Spotlight: Pine Tree Academy Ringers
Each month, Area 1 will feature one handbell ensemble each month on the Area 1 website. There are many talented, dedicated ringers spread throughout Area 1, and they deserve to shine in the spotlight. If you are part of a group and you want to be featured in an...
Pictures from High School Ringout

Monthly Group Spotlight: Hills Bells
Starting today, we will feature one handbell ensemble each month on the Area 1 website. There are many talented, dedicated ringers spread throughout Area 1, and they deserve to shine in the spotlight. If you are part of a group and you want to be featured in an...
CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE PDF VERSION Rehearsal Notes, Area 1 High School Ring-Out 2014 Wachusett Regional High School, Holden, Massachusetts November 8, 2014 Krishna Ersson Introduction Greetings directors and ringers! Below you will find rehearsal notes for the three...