Recent News
High School Ringout: November 2014
Registration and information have been posted.
What’s in Boston on May 20, 2014?
The Back Bay Ringers and Old South Church are pleased to announce the eighth annual Boston Handbell Festival, May 20, 2014, 8:00pm, at Old South Church, Boston. The festival features area handbell choirs including Back Bay Ringers, Merrimack Valley Ringers, New...
MVR Handbell Workshop: Southwick, MA on May 10, 2014
Merrimack Valley Ringers presents 3rd Annual Ringing Skills Workshop Saturday, May 10, 2014 Southwick Congregational Church, Southwick, MA Workshop - $10 per person Dinner - $5 per person Concert – Free GET YOUR REGISTRATION HERE Dear Handbell Directors and Ringers,...
Back Bay Ringers holding handbell workshop Jun 7
Saturday, June 7, 2014, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Salem State University, Salem, MA $55 before May 15th/$65 after May 15th Join BBR this spring for a workshop suitable for all ringing levels featuring Michael Helman. The workshop will include multiple reading sessions, a...