Recent News
Back Bay Ringers appears on National TV!
Back Bay Ringers, the Boston-based handbell ensemble directed by Griff Gall, was on TV on CBS's show Saturday, March 1st airing of "48 Hours," a very popular true-crime series investigating shocking cases and compelling real-life dramas with journalistic integrity and...
Fabulous February Fundamental Tone Turns up
The latest issue of the Fundamental Tone is available. Click on the title here, or go to the Fundamental Tone page to download it.
Area 1 Festival pictures + VIDEO [new]
A Video of Scenes from the Ringing Floor, including a walkabout, giving a ringer's perspective. If you have some good pictures that should be here, please send them to [email protected]
2013 Biennial Meeting Reports
Board Reports: Membership report State Reports: CT annual report june 2013 MA report: june 2013