Recent News
Searching for a home – Where are the Handbell Choirs?
Check out this new map of known handbell ensembles in Area 1. These groups are not necessarily members of Handbell Musicians of America, but as a service to you, we try to list every ensemble we can.
A Gallery of Festival Conference 2019
Lots of people have shared many pictures on facebook and other social media sites, but here is a selection of some of our favorites.
New video captures the spirit of Area 1 Festival Conference
Anyone who has attended an Area 1 Festival Conference over the years will tell you that it is a fabulous, four-day handbell ringing extravaganza. Carrying the clout of being "The Area where it all began", our organizers work diligently to attract the best clinicians...
Bells of Peace – November 11
Handbell musicians are invited to ring Bells of Peace on November 11 On November 11, 2018, at 11:00 am, handbell musicians across America are invited to toll bells in their communities to commemorate the centennial of the armistice that brought an end to hostilities...